I'm writing that on Tuesday after the recording
The choral concert described below took place last Friday. On Sunday, there was another concert, this time instrumental, which I recorded as well.
The recording went quite well, for what I heard when I had a quick listen to the material while still on site.
There were a couple of pieces played by different instrument sets: A string quartet, solo piano, harpsichord + violin + cello etc. They never played all instruments together.
They chosen the program quite bravely (to come soon), considering their skills and I must say that a few glitches were possible to hear. This is none of my concern anyway :)
Mic set-up
Again, I used the same equipment as on Friday night. This time, 2 additional rows were put on the bottom of the audience (actually, I was helping to put them up), which allowed me to come closer to the stage - I settled in the 2nd row again. I carefully adjusted the microphones, so that the angle between them would be a bit more than 90 deg. - I didn't want the cardioids to cover too much of the audience.
The recording
I didn't have time (remember, I was at work) to sit by the recorder all time, so I only slightly adjusted the levels during the first piece, leaving the head at about -3dB on loudest moments, and then just switched the limiter on and went back to work. While doing that, I noticed that the weird noise I noticed on Friday is only present in the mic looking to the left - the right one was apparently OK.
This is it so far. To avoid projects and works piling up, I spent today entirely on processing speeches and now they are almost ready and I can think of other things to do.