In General
My work was just to cut the whole material into separate tracks, make them fade in and out nicely and set the levels so that the full range of bit space is used.
As I noticed in few pieces, there is a space between the song and the applause. I tried removing this silence and putting clapping right after the song is finished, but that sounds very unnatural. Instead I used a noise gate set to decrease levels by 16dB when nothing is going on. The noise from EQ and the record itself gets then decreased, but it is still possible to hear people coughing and making noises before they start clapping. This sounds much better.
To be sure that it doesn't cut anything during the songs, I used automation to keep it off except for the end of the song.
EQ and gate used in final bounce-down.
Automation on gate's reduction. For when I need it, it goes down to -16dB, otherwise it stays at 0 - no change.
Additionally, I used EQ once more (but this time I relied on Logic's own EQ) to reduce wide band around 750Hz by -6dB in the deepest place. After a while of rest after the previous session, I found those frequencies still a bit too loud.
I found that even during the loudest parts of songs, I can still rise the levels by 2.1dB. I couldn't keep this loudness though, as this would make applause heavily clipped. To have both songs and clapping with proper level, I used automation again - just to reduce loudness from 2.1dB to -3.1 during applause.
Automation on Output Volume during applause.
Wider view of automation on the output.
This is how the finished track looked like.
After all that, I only had to bounce the material down, track by track. I set the output sampling rate to 44100Hz as this is the rate that is going to be used when burning a CD.
Now I only have to burn a CD and it's all done!